LUNA is a powerful tool for working with digital media. Here's a sample of some key features of LUNA you can jump right into:
Select specific collections to view from the Collections page
Become a Registered user and choose your viewing preferences
Create Media Groups (need to register first!)
Browse contents of LUNA
Create presentations (need to register first!)
Share links with your friends and colleagues
Embed LUNA pages into your blogs and wikis
Upload your own content with My Uploads feature (need to register first!)
View LUNA Flash Tutorials
What is LUNA?
LUNA is the dynamic web based front end to Insight® and non Insight collections. Unique to LUNA is the ability to easily search across multiple collections simultaneously. Users can select default collections to save in their user settings, or select from the list of collections from their institution or those from the LUNA Commons.
LUNA allows for both simple and advanced search options and allows for general browsing or category browsing.
LUNA supports full text search of BookReader objects and PDFs.
Media Groups allow users to save specific media in their own group and make these groups public or private.
LUNA’s presentation tool allows for users to create dynamic presentations for immediate playback, or export to PowerPoint and Keynote.
Also available in LUNA is the ability to link to any view, presentation, Media Group, or search result.
Go beyond a simple link, and use the Embed This tool to embed any view in LUNA into an outside application.
And specific to LUNA is the LUNA Workspace where advanced tools allow users to easily search for, and then work with, visual content.
What is the LUNA Commons?
The LUNA Commons ( is where public collections are aggregated and viewed in our powerful LUNA browser. While most other collection building tools create isolated collections we’ve built a system that allows institutions to easily share and promote their public collections. The LUNA Commons provides free access to hundreds of thousands of images from reputable sources for educational and public use.
What is an Insight® collection?
Insight® is software for digital collections which revolutionizes the way leading educational and cultural heritage institutions archive, research and teach.
To learn more about the Insight + LUNA visit