There are many different ways to search for content in LUNA,
using the keyword search function is a quick, simple way to find content:
Use the keyword Search LUNA feature in the upper right corner to perform a keyword search across all collections you have selected.
Select either "Search Catalog Data" or "Catalog Data & text in Documents". By selecting "Catalog Data & text in Documents" you'll be searching any text indexed from BookReader objects or PDFs.
Keyword Search in LUNA works much like in a search engine, so you can use the AND, OR, NOT, and "" to help refine your search.
Use wildcard characters like "*" and "?". For example, enter "Par*" for results like Paris, Parigi, Paraguay, etc. Enter "Rom?" for search results like Rome and Roma.
Search results are presented in the Thumbnail View.
You can create a link to your search result to share with others using the Share This feature, or am embeddable web widget using the Embed This feature.