Browsing media in LUNA is done by looking at pages of thumbnails, allowing you to quickly and easily page through media, with the option to narrow your search using the Narrow Search panel located on the left side of the page.
Thumbnail Browsing Navigation
Navigate through the pages of thumbnails
using the right or left arrows, or by clicking on the page number.
Use the items per page icons to determine
if you want 50, 100, or, 250 items per page.
Use the thumbnail size icons to determine
if you want small, medium, or large thumbnails.
Re-sort the media based on their data
by clicking on the Sort Options icon (only when browsing one collection
at a time).
Narrow Search
Use the Who, What, When, Where category values to continue refining your search. The number of results for each value are presented alongside the term in parentheses. This Narrow Search option is available throughout LUNA, on the Browse All page, and search results page.
Minimize or Expand the Narrow Search panel on the left any time by clicking the small icon next to the “Narrow Search” tab.
The “Show More” icon will expand each Who, What, When, Where category to give you even more choices for narrowing your search. Use the “Show Less” feature to contract the list.
Once you have selected a value to narrow your search by, you can continue to filter your search by selecting additional values.
You can easily remove one of these values by clicking on it under the “Remove” header.
A link to the Advanced Search window is available at the bottom of the Narrow Search panel.
Browse All Image Options
Detail View:
Click once on a thumbnail to bring it into the Detail View.
Media Summary:
Roll over a thumbnail to see its Media Summary. The Media Summary offers users a brief summary of the associated media data. Full catalog data can be viewed in the Detail View and the LUNA Workspace.
Add to LUNA Workspace:
To add media to the LUNA Workspace, click the icon in the upper left corner of the thumbnail when in a rollover state. The media will have a brief flashing white border around it once it’s been added. The LUNA Workspace will appear in a separate browser window.
Add to Active Media Group:
To add media to your Active Media Group, click the icon in the upper right corner of the thumbnail when in a rollover state. The media will have a brief flashing white border around it once it’s been added to your Active Media Group.
Print Thumbnails:
To print the page or pages of thumbnails click the Printer Friendly link in the top right corner of the Browse thumbnail windows.