A Media Group allows you to save select media into a group for later use, or to share with others. As you browse LUNA and select media to save into a Media Group, you'll be saving this media into your Active Media Group.
Upon registering a user account, an Active Media Group is automatically created. This group is private, you can always change the properties of this group to make it public later.
You can only add media to your selected Active Media Group.
When you create a new Media Group you have the option of selecting it as your Active Media Group.
There are several ways to check which of your Media Groups is your Active Media Group: in your user settings; by opening the Active Media Group tab in the lower left corner while browsing; and from the Active Media Group pull down menu located near the Keyword search box.
You can only have one Active Media Group selected at a time.
To quickly change the Active Media Group during your LUNA session, go to the pull down menu located near the Keyword search box and select a different group. Or, go to Edit Settings/Default and select a new Active Media Group from the pull down menu.