The Collections page in LUNA is where you can select a specific collection to view from either your institution’s collections or the LUNA Commons (
The LUNA Commons contains additional free content from other LUNA collections. The media in these collections is available for you to use in your Media Groups and presentations.
Collection Selection
Your user settings are where you select your default collections for viewing. The collections you select as your default collections will automatically load in LUNA each time you log-in. But, if you want to view a collection which is not one of your default collections, you'll select it from this collections list. You'll then be searching across only those newly selected collections. To search across your default collections again you'll need to logout and log back in.
More about collection selection:
You can select either one collection, or all collections. As you click on a collection its title will display above the Featured Media panel and its description will appear below the Featured Media panel.
Click on the collection title above the Featured Media panel to browse the individual collection directly. In the example below if you were to click on Browser the NASA Human Spaceflight Collection, you would be taken the to the Browse Thumbnail view for that collection.
The icon to the left of the collection title in the Collection Selection panel indicates which collections you are presently in. These are the collections you will search across and view until you select a different collection from this page, select different collections in the advanced search, or log out and then log back in to reset your session.
In this example, we have selected the "Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art" collection, the "NASA Human Spaceflight Collection" and the "David Rumsey Collection". We do not have the "NASA Great Images in NASA Collection" selected.
Featured Media
The media contained in this panel represents a sampling of media from the collection(s) you’ve selected from the Collection Selection panel.
Roll over a thumbnail to see its Media Summary. The Media Summary offers users a brief summary of the associated media data. Full catalog data can be viewed in the Detail View and the LUNA Workspace.
Clicking on a thumbnail in the Featured Media section will bring the selected item into the Detail View. Once in the Detail View you can view the full catalog record as well as add the media to your Active Media Group, add the media to the LUNA Workspace, export the media, add annotations, and print the image and data.
Clicking the Category Pages link will take you to the Browse by Category view where you can quickly view associated data in the form of Who, What, Where, When categories, or browse alphanumerically.
The Browse All link takes you the Browse All view where the media is presented in pages of thumbnails.