While each object in LUNA has associated metadata, or image information, it's also possible to add annotations to an image. Think of annotations as being able to add sticky-notes to an image. Annotations can support simple text, or HTML code and embeddable widgets- like Google Maps or YouTube content.
As with Media Groups and Presentations you must be logged-in in order to create annotations. Annotations are created and viewed in either the LUNA Workspace or the Detail View. It's important to understand the 3 options for where you can save your annotations:
Privately: only the person who created it can see it.
To a Media Group: in order to view the annotation the image must be opened from the Media Group the annotation was saved into.
At a collection level: only those with collection level privileges will see this as an option; this option allows the annotation to be viewed by anyone. This option applies to institutional content only, there are no "collection level" saving privileges for annotations made on images from the External Media Search or My Uploads.
In this chapter we cover:
Please note annotations are a part of the v.6.2.1 release, if you do not see the icons in the Detail View or LUNA Workspace for adding an annotation you are using a prior version of LUNA.