New Features v6.2.1

September 2009- v6.2.1



- Create annotations in the Detail View or the Workspace.

- Share annotations, or keep them private.

- Insight Administrators determine which users have credentials to create collection level annotations for public view.

- Support for text based annotations as well as HTML code and embeddable widgets- like Google Maps or YouTube content.


My Uploads

- Upload and catalog personal content into LUNA.

- Content added to My Uploads will remain private or can be shared by adding to a public Media Group or by creating a link to the image from the LUNA Workspace or Detail View.

- Insight Administrators determine which users have credentials to access My Uploads as well as the types of files users can upload.

- A broad range of image file formats are supported. Flash and MP3 files will playback natively in the Detail View and LUNA Workspace while other audio, video and miscellaneous file formats will launch in the user's default viewer.



- Support for searching data containing diacritics.


Dynamic Presentations

- Add images from Media Groups, or search for images using the Media Panel during presentation playback.