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Create A Media Group

Media Groups are a great way to save, organize, and share select media. Upon registering for an account in LUNA a private Active Media Group is automatically created and named "My First Media Group". As you browse LUNA you can easily add media to your Active Media Group and create as many Media Groups as you like to then embed, link to, playback as a slide show, or use for creating presentations.  


To create a Media Group:

  1. Go to Create in the LUNA Main Menu and select Media Group, or select Create Media Group from the My Groups Page.

  2. Enter the name of the Media Group you wish to create.

  3. Check Yes or No to making the Media Group public.

  4. Type in a password if you want to password protect your Media Group.

  5. Select a folder from the pull down menu to store your Media Group. If you have not created any folders it will default to My Groups.

  6. Check the box if you want to make this group your Active Media Group.

  7. If you choose, write a description of the group, up to 50 characters long, which can later be used to search Media Groups.

  8. Media can only be added to one Media Group at a time- your Active Media Group.

  9. You can change which group is your Active Media Group in your User Settings, or and even simpler way is from the Active Media Group pull down menu located next to the Keyword search box.   

  10. After finding the media you would like to add to your Default Media Group, simply click on the icon in the upper right corner of the thumbnail. You’ll see a white border flash around it once it’s been added.

  11. Media will remain in your Media Group until you choose to edit it.















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