LUNA has many simple tools for helping you mange and work with your Media Groups.
In addition to viewing your Media Group as a page of thumbnails, or as a Slide Show, you can perform the following tasks with the media in your group:
Copy to
Using the Media Group pull down menu, select the group you want to copy the media to.
Select the media and then click on the Copy to icon.
Move to
Using the Media Group pull down menu, select the group you want to move the media to.
Select the media and then click on the Move to icon.
Go to
Using the Media Group pull down menu, select the group you want to open.
That Media Group will then open in the current window, replacing the prior group.
Remove Selected
Click on the media you want to remove from your group and then click on the Remove Selected icon.
You can reorder the media in a Media Group by dragging and dropping the media into the new desired order.
Returns to the view Media Group page.