Creating dynamic presentations in LUNA is a simple, creative way to organize material from different collections into a seamless series of slides for sharing or playback.
Presentations can be made public or private and can easily be exported to PowerPoint. Specific to LUNA presentations is the ability to maintain the aspect ratio of images in a slide, so that if you create a presentation on a small screen, viewing it on a larger screen will not distort the sizes of the images upon playback or export. This special feature helps take the guess work out of creating presentations, giving you more time to concentrate on creating great presentations and less time fidgeting with settings.
At this time, presentations in LUNA will only support images. Video, audio and other non image file types cannot be used to create slides.
Presentations are made in the LUNA Workspace by creating slides:
Click on Create > Presentation from the LUNA Main Menu. You must be logged in to create a presentation.
Enter the Presentation Name.
Select the Aspect Ratio.
Choose whether or not to make the presentation public or private. Public presentations can be cloned, embedded, linked to or played back, but cannot be edited by anyone other than the original creator. To edit a public presentation you must clone it from the playback mode and then save it into My Presentations.
Select a folder to save the presentation into.
Add a description (optional).
After clicking the Save button, you’ll be taken to the Edit Presentation page where you can choose to go Back to the presentation page, or to proceed directly with creating the presentation by clicking on Open in Workspace. Click on Open in Workspace.
The LUNA Workspace will open in a new browser window (IE), or tab (Firefox and Safari), with the Media Panel open to your Active Media Group. You’ll be able to drag and drop images from your Media Groups into the LUNA Workspace to create the slides for your presentation. You can also add images to the LUNA Workspace to make slides from as you’re browsing collections by clicking the icon in the top left corner of any image.
Open the Presentation Panel to start building slides for your presentation. You’ll see that you have slide one already created but it is blank.
To add images to this first slide drag images from the Media Panel into the LUNA workspace, or, add images to the LUNA Workspace while you browse a collection, and then arrange them as you like. You can add as many images as you want and use the zoom feature to select zoomed in sections of an image.
When you’ve finished creating the layout for that first
slide click on the Save Slide
icon. Your first slide is now complete and you can add more slides.
Click the New Slide icon to start working on your next slide.
Before you can add images to the second slide you have the option of adding a description to the new slide. Click Create to continue (with or without a description), or Cancel to cancel creating the new slide.
If you have images in the LUNA Workspace these will be cleared in order to create this new slide.
Continue with steps 10-14 to add as many slides to your presentation as you like.
To edit a slide you have already created, simply click on that slide from the Presentation Panel. The images for that slide will then appear in the Workspace in their current layout. Once you’re done editing the layout, or adding or removing images, click on the Save Slide icon to save your changes.
To edit the slide descriptions, click on the slide in question to select it and then click on the Slide desc icon.
You can change the order of your slides by using the Click to move this slide over to the right icon, or, the Click to move this slide over to the left icon located under each slide within the Presentation Panel.
You can also copy a slide by clicking on the Copy icon beside the Delete icon. This new copied slide will appear as the last slide in your presentation. By copying a slide you are simply making a copy of it, any changes you make to the copied slide will not be reflected in the original slide.