Export Presentations

Presentations in LUNA can be exported to PowerPoint (Note: for Keynote users, PowerPoint files will open in Keynote). Unique to LUNA is the ability to maintain the aspect ratio of your slides upon export and playback.


To export a presentation:

  1. Click on Explore > Presentations to see the list of available presentations. You must be logged in to see your presentations.

  2. Under My Presentations, mouse over the presentation you are interested in. You’ll see 3 icons to the right of the presentation name: Edit Presentation; Edit Presentation Properties; and Delete Presentation.

  3. Select the first icon Edit Presentation, to be taken to the LUNA Workspace where presentations are made and edited.

  4. Your presentation should open in the LUNA Workspace. If it did not, then simply expand the Presentation Panel and use the presentations pull down menu to select the presentation you want to export.

  5. Click on the Export PowerPoint icon to export the presentation to PowerPoint. Note: Slide descriptions will not accompany the exported presentation, but the data for each image will appear below the image(s).

  1. The aspect ration that you chose when creating the presentation will be maintained in this exported version.


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