In LUNA, presentations can be made public or private. If you have already created a user account, the presentations you create will always display on the left side of the page under My Presentations when you are logged-in. Presentations made public will be listed to the right under the Public Presentations header. If you have not created a user account or if you have not logged-in, you will be presented with a single list of Public Presentations.
My Presentations
Search for one of your presentations by expanding the search arrow and entering a Keyword and/or Username. You can choose to include locked (private) presentations as well.
Once you've selected a presentation you can edit it's properties, play it back, export it, copy it, or edit the slides and add new ones.
Roll over the name of the presentation to select the following icons:
Edit Presentation (opens the presentation
in the LUNA Workspace)
Edit Presentation
Delete Presentation
To organize your folders you can use the Create Folder function.
To create a new presentation click on the Create Presentation function.
Public Presentations
Search for a public presentation by expanding the search arrow and entering a Keyword and/or Username. You can choose to include locked (private) presentations as well.
Once you've selected a public presentation you can play it back or copy it. After you've copied it you can save it to My Presentations and then edit it.
Locked presentations are denoted with a lock icon and need a password to access.
Public presentations can be viewed, copied, and played back but cannot be edited by anyone other than the owner.
Home > LUNA Main Menu > Explore > Presentations