Embed a Media Group

Creating an embeddable web widget of a Media Group in LUNA is very easy to do and offers an excellent way to creatively share select content with others. If you have restricted content in the Media Group you are creating an embeddable web widget of, then users will be notified that they might not have access to all images in the Media Group:

  1. Click on Explore > Media Groups to see the list of your Media Groups and the public Media Groups. You must be logged in to see your Media Groups.

  2. Click on the title of the Media Group you want to create embeddable web widget of. Or, to create an embeddable web widget of to your Active Media Group you can click on its title from the upper right corner beside the LUNA Search box.

  3. The Media Group will open.

  4. Click on Embed This. You’ll be taken to the Embed This page wherein you’ll have the following options to further customize this web widget of your Media Group:

  1. As you customize the web widget you can preview the changes in the preview pane.

  2. When you’re finished simply copy the code below the preview pane and paste it into your wiki, website, blog or forum. The code will also include a link back to LUNA so those who you share the web widget with can easily find their way to your original collections.

  3. The embeddable web widgets you create in LUNA are dynamic, so if you make changes to a Media Group these changes will also be reflected in the applications you embed them into.

*Note: While creating your web widget you have the choice of the following codes:

Tools : Internet Options : Security : Custom Level : Miscellaneous : Access data sources across domains : Enable


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