My Uploads

Adding your own content to LUNA is a simple process and a great way to combine your personal content with institutional collections. Your uploads is then treated like any other content in LUNA- it can be added to a Media Group, added to a presentation, viewed in the LUNA Workspace and Detail View, exported, etc. You can add media details to your uploads as well. These media details will not be incorporated into the central index, that is you cannot use the keyword or advanced search to find the uploads.


Permission to use the My Uploads feature controlled by the LUNA administrator:

Non image uploads will be represented by icons:


To upload content:

  1. Log in, if you don't have a user account you'll need to register one. Select the Create > My Uploads option from the LUNA main menu.


  1. Click on the Select Files icon.

  1. Select as many files as you would like. LUNA will support all file types and will natively play back .flv and .mp3 files in the LUNA Workspace and Detail View. If you're not able to upload certain file formats, check with your LUNA administrator for more information. Click on either of the two Upload Files icons.

  1. As your files are being uploaded derivatives and a JPEG2000 file are automatically being created for image files to ensure quick delivery of high resolution details. While this is being done, you'll see the upload progress bars for each object and once complete you'll see a thumbnail for the images. For non image formats you'll see a representative icon.


  1. When the uploads are complete, you'll be able to add a title (max 100 characters), a description (max 1000 characters) and a copyright statement (max 500 characters) for each object. Make sure to click on Save Media Details to save the information you have entered before leaving this page. You can always go back and edit these media details. After adding the media details you can select Manage My Uploads, Add Content, or Return to My Uploads.

  2. Manage My Uploads will allow you to remove your uploads, and/or copy selected uploads to a Media Group, add additional content to My Uploads or edit the media details for selected content.

  1. Return to My Uploads is the same as the Explore > My Uploads option from the LUNA main menu and simply presents all your uploads in one place in thumbnail view with thumbnail data and Media Summary upon rollover.

  2. Non image uploads will be represented by icons:


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